- বিধি এবং প্রবিধান
1. Students are expected to come to the school in neat, clean and simple clothes. They must conform to the high standards of modesty maintained by the institutions. They should not wear gaudy dresses.
2. All men students are expected to wear pants and shirts-bush shirts or slack shirts. Tshirts are not allowed. Women students are strictly not permitted to wear skirts, leggings, jeans, frocks and high tops.
3. Students should not bring discredit to the school or to themselves. Insubordination and rude behavior of any kind inside or outside the school will be severely dealt with.
4. Students should be regular and punctual in attending the classes and all activities connected with the school. No student is allowed to enter the classroom or leave the class room during class hours without the permission of the head sir. They are not permitted to go out during lunch break.